Toward a decolonial feminism

toward a decol fem-pdf

A zine version of the not well enough known text from María Lugones, ‘Toward a decolonial feminism’, looking into the relation at the crossroad of gender and race. (super interesting! give it a try!)

An extract:

[…] I propose the modern, colonial, gender system as a lens through which to theorize further the oppressive logic of colonial modernity, its use of hierarchical dichotomies and categorial logic. I want to emphasize categorial, dichotomous, hierarchical logic as central to modern, colonial, capitalist thinking about race, gender, and sexuality.

Tip it over & burn it

tip it over & burn it pdf

Tip it over & burn it is a compilation of letters written by different prisoners around the question of tactics of resistance in prison – more specifically direct action, hunger strikes, and work stoppage – and whether those are reformists, or not. All letters have first been published in Wildfire .


“Prison is the most direct, brutal expression of power, and like power it must be destroyed, it cannot be abolished progressively. Anyone who thinks they can improve it now in order to destroy it in the future will forever by a captive of it. ” Half-measures just will not do.

Uncivilized, exotic, dangerous


Translation of the text ‘Incivilisé-e, exotique, dangereux-se’, original to be found in our french category.


“What I want to draw here, are the lines of a project of hatred, revenge and destruction, of open war against modernity, civilization and the world. [. . . ] There is a thirst for revenge, and it’s this thirst that i propose to use as a weapon. It is neither a thirst that tempers, nor one which accommodates itself to changes, reforms, or apologies. This thirst is not a call to return to the past because it’s already too late. What is done is done.”

Gender Nihilism: an anti-manifesto

Here’s a zine version of the text by Alyson Escalante.


“We are radicals who have had enough with attempts to salvage gender. We do not believe we can make it work for us. We look at the transmisogyny we have faced in our own lives, the gendered violence that our comrades, both trans and cis have faced, and we realize that the apparatus itself makes such violence inevitable. We have had enough.
We are not looking to create a better system, for we are not interested in positive politics at all. All we demand in the present is a relentless attack on gender and the modes of social meaning and intelligibility it creates.”